Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Thank you, Asia "The Final Farewell to Jigs Chuseok Brayko" (12 days until Green Bay)

Today was the day we re-homed Jigs with a lovely family with two young children.  He will be well cared for; I have no doubt.  And so in his lifetime he will have three families to which he brings joy.  Sort of like every pet adventure story out there: pet finds love, has to move on, finds a new home and love again, has to move on, finds a new home and love again.

Brent and I had never been cat people, nor had we ever had a cat before Jigs.  For about 9 years, he taught us the joys of being a cat owner.  He is a cat-dog or dog-cat or some such.  He can wait by the door for you at the end of the day. Meow to wake you in the morning.  Snuggle all night long in bed (as he did last night - what a gift).  He can fit into cubbies and boxes and bags.  He can speak "cat" really well!  (I can speak "cat" too, but I never quite know what I am saying.)  He can play with feathers and lasers and strings.  He can lick your nose or fingers or toes.  He can somehow magically appear on the top of the kitchen cupboards where you need a ladder to get him down. He loves and loves with his presence and his purring.  

This morning he seemed to want to go out to the hall entry.  When I let him out, he sat down and simply stared at our front door for a long time (see video at the end of this blog).  Eventually he moved farther away from the door and closer to the elevator, still staring at our door, but apparently positioning himself to leave.  I think he KNEW.  And I think he was ready.

We were ready too.  

Once at his new home, he left the crate immediately and began checking out the place, smelling with his mouth open (something I learned about today), and generally being curious.  By evening my friend reported he had napped and eaten and was being playful.  I think the transition will be just fine. 

He will be sorely missed and ever loved.  Thank you, Asia, for bringing us Jigs and turning us into "cat people". 

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