Sunday, May 16, 2021

Thank you, Asia "Applied Kinesiology" (15 days until Green Bay)

What if you could lay on a table and have someone simply to ask you to raise and lower your arm in resistance to their hand on yours in order to detect what is going on with you?  What if this were effective for physical troubles, mental troubles, or spiritual troubles?  What if you could bypass the thinking brain and speak directly to the body about what it needs? What if the first line of defence wasn't a doctor and a prescription drug or surgery?

Welcome to the world of applied kinesiology ("kinesiology'').  

While it is not accepted as legitimate practice, it is a holistic practice that I have learned something about while in Asia.  And for the purposes of this blog I would like to introduce you to this kind of kinesiology as I understand it (which, admittedly, is quite limited). 

Five years ago a guest kinesiologist gave a demonstration to some faculty at my school as an option for wellness care.  Kinesiologists are trained practitioners who have learned about the body's many systems - from organs to chakras.  And they have learned to essentially allow your body to communicate - through a series of yes-no questions - about its priority.  You come with a concern and the body will answer.  After the demo. I arranged for Adam to see the kinesiologist in hopes that he could help Adam address mental health concerns at the time.  Adam and I were shocked when the kinesiologist at the conclusion of a one hour session appeared to have intimate knowledge of Adam's psyche, his learning issues, and his body issues.  Actually, the session freaked Adam out a bit.  Because it wasn't scientifically proven, Adam eventually decided he wasn't interested in pursuing treatment in this way.

However, a few years later a colleague of mine began doing the coursework to become a kinesiologist.  Every week or two I would get the update on the exciting new things that he was learning could be addressed in this way.  He explained it this way: through muscle testing, you can get at the heart of the issue in any number of avenues.  In one way, it resembles the internet; there are multiple ways to a website or even a particular webpage.  When you arrive there, it doesn't mean you are necessarily healing the issue, but you can pinpoint it.  

How many times do we go to a doctor with something wrong and leave still with no knowledge of the true cause of the issue?  We often simply end up treating the symptoms as best we can.  Or, we do multiple tests (at great cost and sometimes invasion of our bodies) to arrive at an answer.  

Not long ago I had been experiencing some numbness in my right leg at night with some regularity and frequency.  I figured it was probably something to do with the nervous system and a pinched nerve.  (Or MS, it could also signal that.)  My colleague happened to have invited a kinesiologist/chiropractor to our school.  Dr. Ho treated me using both techniques.  He used the kinesiology to pinpoint the real issue and chiropractics to address it.  It worked.

First, he used his knowledge of physiology to determine the issue had to do with nerves and the spine, probably lumbar 3 and 4 (if I recall).  Then he checked with the body through the muscle testing if that were in fact the "priority" for the body.  But the muscle testing response was "no".  Then he talked to me about how there is an inverse relationship in our spine so that if particular vertebrae are out of whack in the neck it also affects certain vertebrae in the lower back.  So he used the yes-no muscle testing to determine that what needed adjustment was actually in my neck's C3 - C5.  He used chiropractic technique in my neck (a good twist!) to treat me.  He concluded that without knowing the body's priority, a person could get decades of treatment on their lower back - never truly healing, because they are addressing the wrong thing.  

It has now been a solid month since my treatment and I have had no further numbness in my leg.

Thank you, Asia, for expanding my understanding of the body, energy, and possible treatment routes.

Check out this video to learn more.

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