Friday, April 9, 2021

Thank you, Asia "Movers" (52 days left in Hong Kong)

 Fifty two days to go and the moving company came today to pack up our shipment.  That means our place looks and sounds quite empty now.  It took from 9 - 12:30 for 6 guys to swoop in, assemble boxes, fill boxes (using butcher paper instead of bubble wrap), and move everything out.  Or almost everything.  We have a few dishes remaining, pots and pans, a couch and television and some clothes.  Some items are hanging around until Mid-May when the new owners will pick them up.

Earlier today.

It feels weird around here!  

When we left Korea a similar scenario took place.  Over the course of a few hours a group of men packed up all our stuff (even the one portion of oatmeal I had saved for the following morning).   But in that case, the way they moved the boxes was quite interesting.  At the time we lived on the 23rd floor.  We had big windows.  They actually removed the windows and then used something like a fireman's ladder/platform to lower all the boxes down to the truck on the outside of the building.  

Our apartment in Korea being packed up in 2014
Boxes going out the window
The ladder to the 23rd floor at Goodmorning Hill

We aren't exactly certain when our shipment will arrive in Green Bay - hopefully shortly after we arrive ourselves.  Thank you to the packers who do such a nice service.  

Photos by © Brenda Brayko. All rights reserved. 

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