I could write (and may write) lots and lots on expanding consciousness, but I think the main point of this blog is to say that over the past decade while in Asia I have definitely expanded my consciousness. For now, I would like to introduce you to some of the books I have read which have accompanied me on this journey - sometimes directing me to something new, sometimes reinforcing that which I already knew.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. This was the book that really launched me into a new understanding of what it is to be human. I actually read it the first time while we still lived in Green Bay. But then I re-encountered it about six years ago. In a way it is an introduction to mindfulness or living in the moment. But in other ways it is so much more. Tolle names the dark energy that we have as "the pain body" and teaches the reader how to recognize it in themselves and others and then how to disarm and transmute it. This became a life saver.
Falling Upward by Richard Rohr. In this book Father Richard Rohr essentially says that there are two halves to our lives - the first half is when we are creating our container (making money, building a family, creating our very human identity) and the second half is when we break the container and discover who we REALLY are as spiritual beings. He points out that, unfortunately, many people in Western society are never mentored enough to be aware of or ushered into the purpose of the second half of life. The book serves to do that. (I can also recommend The Immortal Diamond and The Universal Christ)
The Conscious Parent by Shefali Tsabary, PhD. If you are actively parenting, this book can be transformative in how you approach the whole concept of parenting. Through her many anecdotes and case studies as a therapist she walks her reader through a paradigm shift. Rather than thinking about fixing what is wrong with your kids she shows you how your children are here to grow YOU up. Through the challenges of parenting we are given many opportunities to see those things in ourselves that are not fully developed or understood. (I am presently reading The Awakened Family.)
I am the Word by Paul Selig. Selig is a channeller who channels what he calls The Guides. This and all of his books are unaltered transcripts of channeled sessions. Essentially the guides intent is to provide the instruction and guidance needed to understand ourselves as not only human but spiritual beings who are always connected to God and one another. As we know ourselves in Love and break free from Fear we can live life in the truest sense. One moves out of dualistic thinking (good/evil) to an understanding that we are essentially like pebbles in a stream, moving in free will but always toward love and connected to Love.
Many Lives Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss. In his book Weiss writes about his surprising and accidental past life regression session with a client who could not shake her fear of death. Over the course of many subsequent past life regressions he makes a case for the healing power of therapists engaging in past life regression therapy for clients. While never quite stating that he comes to believe in past lives, the reader is given much to consider about this possibility beyond the known.
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Having survived the Holocaust, Frankl puts into vivid clarity a recipe for extracting ourselves from despair or hopelessness through finding meaning in our lives. He provides many anecdotes about patients who find healing through the journey to find meaning - true, authentic meaning.
Thank you, Asia, for being the incubator for this time in my life.
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