You are one, though you imagine you are many.
You are whole, though you think you are broken.
You are vast, though the worldly illusion would have you be small.
May you know what you are in truth.*
You are the breath of God animated in bone and mind.
You are both a grain of sand and endless beach.
You are stardust created and recreated,
A flower from a seed, a seed from a flower.
You are a body from a soul, a soul from a body.
You are a beacon of light even in a great darkness.
You are an aspect of the Divine experiencing itself in form.*
May you know how you serve in truth.*
No matter your form, hue, history - you serve.
“Be still and know that I am God.”1
Be still and know that I Am.
Be still and Know.
Be Still.
In simply BEING you serve.
In Being, one act of compassion generates another.
In Being, one change of heart lights the way.
In Being, joy creates joy, love creates love.
May you know you are free.*
It is easy enough to get lost
When playing a game like hide and seek.
Are you lost in the illusion?2
Let those who are already free show you-
A flower in the the Spring
A curious toddler
A grand and ancient tree
A sky now blue - now gray - now blue again.
You have come. You have come. You have come.*
Cast off the fear. Be lifted.
Cast off the mask. Know and be known.
Watch the skies clear.
Reimagine broken systems and structures.
Witness "justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream."3
Witness "justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream."3
Be amazed as all things are made new.
“Your kingdom come, your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.”4
Trust Life, my friends, and the breeze will feel cool against your cheek.
Brenda Brayko
June 2020
*Adapted from Paul Selig’s Beyond the Known: Realization. “I know who you are in truth. I know what you are in truth. I know how you serve in truth. You are free. You are free. You are free. You have come. You have come. You have come.”
1 Psalms 46:10. The Bible.
2 From Hinduism
3 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
4 Mark 6:10. New International Version Bible.